Collective Behaviors (BLIMPs)

Can you defend the cheese in this aerial game of cat and mouse?

Learning Objectives

After completing this lesson, Collective Behaviors (Computer Simulation), and Agent-based Swarm Model, the student will be able to diagram and model animal / robot swarms.


  • NGSS HS-ETS1-3
  • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP1  
  • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP2
  • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4  


Aerial Cat and Mouse

Have you built a BLIMP yet? If so, you and a group of friends can try putting into action what you’ve learned about Predators and Prey! Try playing a game of aerial cat and mouse. Inflate a balloon with helium; we’ll call this balloon the cheese. Amongst your friends, pick one person to be the cat. The cat’s mission is to fly their BLIMP in a way to protect the cheese. Everyone else is a mouse, trying to fly their BLIMPs to get to the cheese without being attacked by the cat. Can the mice find a way to work collectively to get the cheese without being struck down by the cat?

Next Steps

Now that you understand predator and prey behavior for both fish and fish-inspired robots, we can dive into systems engineering with What is a System?

If instead you’re eager to begin computer modeling of swarms, jump to Collective Behaviors (Computer Simulation).

Last updated: November 22, 2022.